Today we are pleased to present our Scientific Advisory Board Director and Director of the Stanford Genome Technology Center, Ronald W. Davis, PhD, answering patient questions about his recent video.

We thank you for all your great questions. We have chosen several of them for Dr. Davis to answer in this video, produced by Ashley (Davis) Haugen.
OMF is the primary fundraising organization supporting the work of Dr. Davis’ CFS Research Center team at the SGTC. As you have seen in the update video, Dr. Davis’ team has made exciting breakthroughs in understanding the molecular basis of this devastating disease. The team is now poised to unravel the complexity of CFS and start identifying potential treatments. Significant funding is needed for this to happen and your donations at every amount are critical in our mission to find treatments and a cure as fast as possible.
Link to the written transcript of this update.
Please donate today and invite your family and friends to join you